how to answer interview what is a problem you have faced and how did you overcome it

Nosotros know that we're going to be asked a whole bunch of questions when we're in a chore interview. Though nosotros don't know exactly what they'll exist, there are definitely mutual interview questions y'all should await to be asked.

When you're asked to 'describe a stressful situation and how you handled it', know that it's ane of the go-to questions for an interviewer/ Hr director. There are a few unlike routes you could take and we've got all of these covered in the following sample answers you lot could apply in your interview.

Describe a stressful situation and how you handled information technology: What they really want to know…

Describe a Stressful Situation And How You Handled ItBasically, the interviewer wants to encounter how yous answer to potential challenges that all roles will have at some bespeak or another. They want to also know that y'all expect there to be situations that are not easy.

Coming in with a prepared response is going to look far meliorate than if you become stuck trying to remember of what to say when they ask this. Find the nearly suitable response to your own experience in the answers beneath.

Interview Question: Describe a Stressful State of affairs & How Yous Handled It (17 Tips & Examples)

stressful situation interview question

Deadlines creating the stress

When it comes to fourth dimension constraints and deadlines, these examples can be used when answering 'describe a stressful state of affairs and how you handled it.'

Case ane: "What helps me when at that place is a looming deadline is to ready out a clear daily schedule of how I tin not only devote time to this chore but also what I need to focus on most in the whole project.

In my terminal chore, I was getting close to handing in some work, and I still had a lot to consummate, so I saturday downwardly and broke up all the parts that I needed to do and ordered them by the 1 that was the highest priority down to the ane that could be done last. Then I fabricated a schedule for what I could tackle each twenty-four hour period. Taking it day past mean solar day and doing it segmented similar that helps me reach deadlines."

Example ii: "Something that actually helps me stay motivated and inspired to attain a deadline is to really focus on the end event that I want to create, and the touch on that this will accept on the greater work that is being done in the company.

That gives me the energy I need to exercise what I have to exercise in time considering I know that it is serving a greater purpose. An instance of this in my last chore was when I knew that I had to finish off a proposal for my team to then commencement working on it. And then I reminded myself that they would go and then much value from the work that I'm doing at present to help them create the next steps, and that kept me on task."

          Recommended Form: Productivity Masterclass (Skillshare)        

Case 3: "In order to continue moving forward in the confront of a borderline, and non feel the pressure overwhelm me, I focus on only the essential parts of the chore, and I actually exit the parts that I can't practise however out of my listen.

In the past, what I did was make a list of what is essential, and didn't even look at the later on steps, so that I only had a few things to focus on and I felt and then much more clear. Then later, I could tackle the next steps and still feel clear."

Instance 4: "For me, information technology's all about planning. I use tools like excel and grouping collaboration software to go on on job and to work out where others are in their work procedure so that we tin can all experience on top of the piece of work. Without these tools, I used to feel the collective stress of the office, but one time we implemented it, we can handle deadlines much more easily."

Other people creating the stress

Other people creating the stress

When you lot're asked to depict a stressful situation and how you handled it, you could reflect on when information technology was about other people creating the stress.

Example 5: "In my previous job, there was a difficult person in our team that seemed to get very agitated when things did not go her mode and when she was faced with other opinions. She was stressed a lot of the fourth dimension, as we all worked in a team and it required us to all be flexible.

For me, I handled this situation of working with her by doing only what I needed to in the professional sense in communicating with her, and when I did not demand to exist around her, I removed myself from her presence and spent more time working alongside positive and motivated people."

Case 6: "I institute that my terminal function had a few people working in the squad who were always stressed for some reason or another, just what helps me personally stay grounded, and handle the stress that came upwardly daily in this environment, was regular exercise outside of work.

This had such a big touch in the manner that I showed up in this role every bit level-headed and positive in my energy, fifty-fifty if others around me weren't."

          Recommended Course: Managing Team Conflict (LinkedIn Learning)        

Example 7: "Terminal year in my chore we had a difficult co-worker who was creating a bit of drama around the office. Personally, I felt that it would not be right to let this continue, so I went to management and HR and just expressed my concerns about how it was affecting the squad. Communication for me is vital to handle stressful situations."

Example 8: "I know that my own response to stress will have a direct impact on others around me, so I maintain my own calm by taking time out in my day to clear my caput. For example, last year when the function was all stressed out due to economic concerns, I took daily walks at lunch and sometimes go to a yoga course and then that I could feel grounded and at-home, even in the uncertainty."

Stress from customers/clients

Stress from customers/clients

When you're asked to describe a stressful situation and how you handled information technology by the interviewer, sometimes they are looking for how you chronicle to customers/clients.

Example 9: "I had a customer in one case who was upset about a billing outcome, and I was being talked to in a really negative fashion. I handled her stress by asking the correct questions and really showing her that I wanted to understand, rather than trying to defend myself. That eased all of the tension and the event was resolved quite speedily."

Case 10: "I had a customer in the past take out their negativity on me when it came to getting the incorrect order. It turned out to be a glitch in the system, so information technology was no one's mistake, only I handled that state of affairs by simply assuring them that no matter what had happened, we would find a solution. They calmed down once they knew I was on their side."

          Recommended Course: Conflict Resolution And De-Escaltion (Udemy)        

Example 11: "Some clients can be very demanding and impolite, just I handle this stress by not taking their free energy and negativity personally, and but knowing that that is their own 'stuff' and I don't have to have on that energy myself in gild to do my job effectively."

Example 12: "I observe that customers get the most stressed out when they think that they are not existence heard. I personally have handled stressful situations in the past past just listening and beingness quiet, and letting them talk out what they need to and somehow the energy but dissolves and they are no longer upset."

Stress when something goes wrong

Stress when something goes wrong

There will always exist something unexpected happening in our piece of work. When information technology is a big thing, it can create stress, so you might have an instance from your past like the ones below that you could use when you're asked this in an interview.

Example 13: "Information gathering and knowing all the facts that I can is how I handle stress in an uncertain situation. In my concluding chore, we didn't know if nosotros might be affected past the global economic crisis, so I spent some time researching our industry and it gave me more peace to know a niggling more about what was happening."

Case 14: "When our software organization crashed at my last role, that was stressful for everyone, so I personally handled that by finding a similar software program as presently as the crash happened. I brought this to management to run across if we could utilise that and then that we didn't get overwhelmed. Problem-solving is one of my strengths."

          Recommended Form: Decision Making In High Stress Situations (Linkedin Learning)        

Example 15: "I am thankfully a very adaptable person, then when we had a difficult day in the function with the power going out, I felt calm in knowing that nosotros just needed to do what nosotros could do, and that's it for that day. Being flexible and accepting what is out of my command was what fabricated me stay fully calm in that state of affairs."

Example xvi: "I didn't know if my job was secure when we were having company-wide cuts, and that was hard to hold. But I handled that stress past looking around for other roles just in example it happened so that I was prepared for anything. Preparation and planning are what helps me handle stress."

Example 17: "When our suppliers were unable to provide what we needed in my last role, I used creative-thinking to diffuse some stress getting the team together and brainstorming ways that we could get those products, and how each of us could have a dissimilar chore to brand it happen."

For more than tips, check out my post on some weaknesses you lot can include when being interviewed.


  • https://world wide dimension-when-y'all-needed-to-cope-with-a-stressful-scenario


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