Visual content garners a huge amount of appointment on social media. At that place's a reason why71% of online marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing: People respond to it.

Being able to share this content beyond multiple platforms, and so, is an asset. And i of the best ways to do that is to link Instagram to Facebook -- that increases the number of eyes on your visual content. Download our complete guide to using Instagram for business and marketing here.

Earlier you lot movement forward with your Instagram marketing strategy, you'll want to connect these accounts. Sharing your posts with your company Facebook Page, rather than your personal profile, is but a matter of irresolute your settings -- and it simply requires six elementary steps.

How to Connect Instagram to Your Facebook Page

i) Start with your Instagram profile.

Your first stride is to pull upwards your own Instagram account on your telephone and select the profile icon in the lower correct corner. And then, tap the gear icon in the upper correct corner. (This might wait like iii vertical dots if you're using an Android device.)

Instagram profile

That will take you to your options, where you tin can adjust a number of your preferences, including social settings.

Instagram Options

2) Set upwards (or update) your linked accounts.

When you get to your options, you lot'll want to scroll downwardly to where it says "Settings" > "Linked Accounts." That'due south where you'll configure where else you lot want your Instagram photos to show upwardly on social media.

Instagram settings

Tap "Linked Accounts," and you'll see all of your options for which social networks you can link with Instagram.

Instagram share settings

3) Connect to Facebook.

In the epitome above, you'll notice that HubSpot's Instagram business relationship is already linked to Facebook -- if you're non already linked to that network, you'll have to go through the permissions to share content there. You'll need to be logged into Facebook on your phone for this stride to piece of work -- once that'south washed, tap "Facebook" on your Share Settings screen.

You'll be asked to proceed as yourself -- tap that push.

Log in with Facebook

Next, y'all'll exist asked for your privacy preferences. Since you'll be just exist sharing your photos on a business concern page, yous can select "Friends" -- the people who volition actually exist seeing your photos are the ones who like the page yous'll be publishing to, which nosotros'll get to in later steps.

Facebook Instagram privacy

Once yous hit "OK," you'll be taken dorsum to your Share Settings, where Facebook should now exist selected. If not, brand certain you lot select it -- the logo should announced in blue to indicate that y'all're now sharing your posts on Facebook.

Instagram share settings

iv) Pick where yous're sharing on Facebook.

One time you've linked Facebook to Instagram, you lot'll want to employ your Share Settings to decide where on Facebook you'll be sharing Instagram posts. If you've merely only now authorized Facebook to link with Instagram, images will be shared on your personal Facebook profile by default.

Facebook share to

Tap "Share To" -- that will display all of the places on Facebook where your Instagram photos can be posted. It includes your personal timeline, or any concern pages where you lot accept an administrator office.

Instagram share to

Here, we've chosen HubSpot. Once y'all've chosen the Facebook page where you want your photos to exist posted, go back to your Share Settings.

Facebook share settings

Now, information technology should exist specified that your Instagram photos are existence posted to your Facebook business organisation page of pick.

five) Make sure you're sharing responsibly.

If y'all're using Instagram for both personal and business accounts, think: You'll have to modify these settings every time you want to change where your photos are being posted.

If y'all're really concerned on the possible drawbacks of using the same Instagram account for both -- and we've all seen how multi-tasking on social media tin can go incorrect -- you might desire to prepare a company-specific Instagram handle that's completely split up from your personal one.

If that'due south the instance, you'll have to follow the aforementioned steps to link your Instagram business relationship to Facebook. The good news? Instagram has a slap-up feature that allows you to switch back and along between multiple accounts -- check information technology out here.

half dozen) Offset sharing!

You're all linked! Now, you tin go back to your dwelling house screen, and choose which photo yous want to mail.

Instagram share photo

When yous're ready to share your photo, only make sure you have Facebook selected as one of the places where you desire your photo to be posted.

How to Use Instagram in Connection With Facebook

Now that you're linked -- and you're in good visitor, as 73% of brands post at least one photo or video per week on Instagram --  what kind of content should you lot be sharing?

At the most basic level, you should exist posting content that's relevant to your brand and to your target audience. That includes things similar behind-the-scenes peeks at what your brand is doing to delight customers, quotes that inspire them, and humor. HubSpot's Lindsay Kolowich has written nearly the different means brands pull that off -- check out her ideas here.

That's It!

Sharing your Instagram photos on a Facebook business folio allows you to bring potent visuals to multiple platforms with a few simple clicks -- and gives you the opportunity to showcase the personal side of your concern. That tin go a long way when it comes to engaging with your target audience -- visual content is over forty times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content.

When accept you linked your social accounts for business? Share information technology with usa in the comments.

TSL Marketing is a HubSpot platinum partner. Download their gratis guide to B2B social media hither.

Editor'south Note: This mail was originally published in Dec 2015  and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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how to use instagram for business

Originally published Sep 1, 2016 8:00:00 AM, updated May 08 2017