Top 10 Skills Children Learn From the Arts Valerie Strauss Jan 22 2015

June 5, 2014

What'south so of import nigh arts education, anyway?

Arts pedagogy is essential to the evolution of skills that will pave the way for professional and personal success throughout life, just as Levar Burton once said, don't accept my give-and-take for it…Today, we're bringing you a roundup of articles, blog posts, and studies discussing the importance of arts teaching.

Life Drawing, Life Skill. a Creative Commons licensed image
Life drawing, life skill. a Creative Eatables licensed paradigm

Have you ever asked yourself what'due south the betoken of arts education, or on the other cease, found yourself constantly promoting the benefits of arts teaching?

Here at AAC we've been doing some research and learned something we already knew: studying the arts is valuable in and of itself, but likewise assists with the development of skills that are necessary in all aspects of life.

Why Drawing Needs to exist a Curriculum Essential

A weblog mail past Anita Taylor near the importance of drawing skills and how they translate into other academic skills. Published on the Guardian Professional person, May 29, 2014

Why we love it:

"As a main visual language, essential for communication and expression, drawing is every bit of import as the evolution of written and exact skills. The need to sympathize the globe through visual means would seem more astute than e'er; images transcend the barriers of language, and enhance communications in an increasingly globalised world."

PS: If you lot're set to begin building or strengthening your cartoon skills this summer, we're offering a grade for adults called Observational Drawing, along with a series of Painting and Cartoon fundamentals for teens and tweens…

Arts Participation and Students' Academic Outcomes

A ii-year study of the effects of arts education on more 600 students in xv schools. Published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 105(3), Aug 2013

Why we beloved it:

"And nosotros found that students who more ofttimes participated in the arts be it music, art, drama, trip the light fantastic toe, also tended to be more academically engaged, more academically motivated in other school subjects and also had higher cocky-esteem, higher levels of life satisfaction, and a greater sense of meaning in life."

No time to read the written report? Sentry the four-minute video beneath to become inspired by the power of the arts in education.

How to Save Our Schools: The Arts and Music are No Fairytale

A blog post by extra Kerry Washington nigh a girl raised in DC's Anacostia neighborhood, and the dramatic turnaround consequence the arts had on her academic operation. Published on HUFFPOST Education, May 20, 2014

Why we love it:

"We have seen these results replicated in our Turnaround Arts schools beyond the country — from a Native American reservation in Montana to the Irish Chanel in New Orleans, educators have been successfully using the arts to movement the needle on student outcomes in some of the toughest schools in our land. Decades of research bear witness that, used strategically, the arts are an constructive tool for improving schoolhouse civilisation and climate, increasing student engagement and building parent and community involvement."

National Art Teaching Association

has this to say:

Art Means Work:

"This is what art is from childhood to one-time age. Through art, our students learn the pregnant of joy of work-work done to the best of one'due south ability, for its ain sake, for the satisfaction of a task well done."

Art Means Language:

"Complete literacy includes the ability to sympathize, answer to, and talk about visual images…By education pupils to depict, analyze, and interpret visual images, we raise their powers of exact expression."

Art Means Values:

"When we study the art of many lands and peoples, we expose our students to the expression of a wide range of human being values and concerns. We sensitize students to the fact that values shape all human being efforts, and that visual images can affect their personal value choices. All of them should be given the opportunity to see how art can express the highest aspirations of the human spirit."

Tiptop x Skills Children Acquire From the Arts

An article nigh Lisa Phillips' inquiry and writings on arts and skills adult by through the arts, written by Valerie Strauss and published in the Washington Mail service, January 22, 2013.

Why we honey it:

Skill number iv. Perseverance – When a child picks upwardly a violin for the first time, she/he knows that playing Bach right away is non an selection; still, when that child practices, learns the skills and techniques and doesn't surrender, that Bach concerto is that much closer. In an increasingly competitive world, where people are existence asked to continually develop new skills, perseverance is essential to achieving success.

Arts and the Mind

A two-role special produced in 2012 by PBS and hosted by Lisa Kudrow, that explores and discusses the science of how engaging in the arts affects the development of cerebral skills.

Why we dear it:

"The arts play a central role in what it means to be human. They besides aid grow healthy young minds and maintain them equally we age. Across the state, at a fourth dimension when arts teaching is beingness diminished in our schools, innovative leaders are creating exciting and effective arts education program."

Then what are yous waiting for? Give your kids (and yourself!) a leg-upwards and register for a summer art class at AAC already!


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